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Article: #43 CIVIDEP and Femnet: How is the situation of Indian workers one year after the pandemic?


#43 CIVIDEP and Femnet: How is the situation of Indian workers one year after the pandemic?

How is the situation of Indian textile workers one year after the start of the pandemic and the lockdown in India? How are they affected by the Indian Labor Law Reforms which provoked a massive wave of protests? Parvathi Madappa works for the Indian labor rights organization CIVIDEP and Lea Kress for the German NGO FEMNET. In collaboration with partners in the Global North, CIVIDEP seeks to hold brands accountable for rights violations in their supply chains. For example, CIVIDEP cooperates with the civil society members of the “Textilbündnis” to improve the situation of textile workers. Due to the Corona crisis millions of workers lost their livelihood, that is why CIVIDEP started distributing relief aid and German partners have set up emergency funds. Anyone who wants to show solidarity can donate, for instance, via: If you want to know more about CIVIDEP than check out their website:

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#42 Fashion and Gender: Why does the fashion industry still cling so strongly to the binary gender system?

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#44 Team Introduction: Looking into the past to better predict the future

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