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Step into the Future

The MELA podcast is about fashion, sustainability and social change.


#64 Jubiläumsfolge | Insights aus 10 Jahren MELA

#64 Anniversary episode | Insights from 10 years of MELA

In this special birthday episode, Henning takes us on an exciting journey through a decade of MELA. He shares the most exciting highlights, important milestones and valuable learnings th...

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#63 Sockenrevolution: Unsere Super Sustainable Socks

#63 Sock Revolution: Our Super Sustainable Socks

In this episode we take you on a trip to India. Our product managers Rosa and Rabea give an exclusive look behind the scenes of our unique sock production. Find out what makes our socks ...

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#62 MELA home: Hinter den Kulissen der neuen Produktserie

#62 MELA home: Behind the scenes of the new product series

Why MELA home? In this episode, Henning and Cordula talk about the product development process, innovations in sustainability and fair production. Find out what the future holds for MELA...

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#61 Offene Karten: Warum Transparenz und Nachhaltigkeit zusammengehören

#61 Open cards: Why transparency and sustainability belong together

"For us, transparency is a way to drive change and to give the vague term sustainability more meaning," says Moritz Marker, Managing Director and Financial Controller of Loveco Berlin. L...

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#60 Wie lief die Ordersaison AW23?

#60 How did the AW23 order season go?

Our colleague Jonas Stolze, who works in our sales department, has had some exhausting weeks. In the current podcast episode, Jonas gives insights into the order season for fall/winter 2...

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#59 Senthil Kumar: MELA’s third eye in India

#59 Senthil Kumar: MELA's third eye in India

Almost a year ago we recorded this podcast with our agent Senthil, while we were in Sri Lanka visiting our shoe producers. Senthil Kumar is a textile expert and engineer with over 30 yea...

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#58 Konflikte lösen mit Gewaltfreier Kommunikation

#58 Resolving conflicts with Nonviolent Communication

Who hasn't experienced it? Conflicts arise everywhere, wherever we interact with others; at work, at school or even at home. However, the way conflicts are handled and the outcome can va...

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#57 Kooperation statt Konkurrenz

#57 Cooperation instead of competition

Under the motto "cooperation instead of competition", the Fashion Changers have been offering a platform for all those who question the status quo of the fashion industry for years. In t...

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#56 Hierarchie der Kompetenzen und MELA's normativer new-work Prozess

#56 Hierarchy of competencies and MELA's normative new-work process

How are decisions actually made in a company without traditional hierarchies? In today's podcast episode, we speak with Dr. Mathias Behrens, who has been supporting us in a normative new...

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#55 Mela+ für unser Engagement in der Lieferkette

#55 Mela+ for our commitment to the supply chain

A few weeks ago we launched the MELA+ campaign and our customers can now voluntarily pay €1 to €10 more on MELA products. In the current episode we tell you why we are doing this and wha...

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