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Article: #41 Soulbottles: A company that belongs to itself


#41 Soulbottles: A company that belongs to itself

Laura is a Wizard of Marketing and has been an integral part of the Soulbottles team for over 6 years. We wanted to know from her how it came about that every new employee at Soulbottles first takes a workshop in the area of ​​"non-violent communication" and what impact and positive effects this brings. The company also works according to Fréderic Laloux's holocracy principle. Holocracy is an organizational theory that helps companies distribute decision-making processes to self-organized teams. We asked Laura how this principle is anchored at Soulbottles and what advice she has for other companies that want to get started in this direction. Finally, Laura gives us an outlook on exciting projects in the new year 2021.

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#40 Business meets development cooperation: Managing Mela's development project in Sri Lanka

Today is the beginning of a new series in which we talk with different team members about their jobs and responsibilities at MELA. In the first session we get to know Larissa Wood who is...

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#42 Fashion and Gender: Why does the fashion industry still cling so strongly to the binary gender system?

Whether in online shops or at our trusted retailers, we can find a women's or men's department everywhere. Why does the fashion industry still cling so strongly to the binary gender syst...

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