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Artikel: #19 Interview with Amit Narke: Get to know our textile producer


#19 Interview with Amit Narke: Get to know our textile producer

Do you want to meet the face behind all MELAWEAR textiles? Amit Narke is the owner of Purecotz EcoLifestyle, a garment manufacturer from Umbergaon, Gujarat, India. Out of his passion for the humble organic cotton farmers the idea for his own business was sparked. Since that time, he was and still is one of the first sustainability textile pioneers in India who started to produce garments with organic cotton only. Nowadays he has committed himself to work towards living wages and increase the wages of his around 1000 employees systematically over the next years. In this episode Amit talks about his fantastic work with Purecotz, his employees and their work benefits and about his personal motivation. https://purecotz.com

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#18 Interview mit Femnet: Das Sprachrohr für Textilarbeiterinnen in Indien und Bangladesch

Durch kreative Protestaktionen macht der Verein Femnet immer wieder auf Missstände in der Textilindustrie aufmerksam und versucht die Leute direkt in den Innenstädten vor Modeketten abzufangen...


#20 Naturkautschuk: Im Interview mit Produktdesignerin Ruth Firsching

Naturkautschuk ist neben Bio-Baumwolle der wichtigste Rohstoff von MELAWEAR und wird für die Sohlen der Sneaker und die Polsterung der Rucksäcke verwendet. Die Produktmanagerin Ruth Firsching ...
